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▪️The meeting started with the welcome meeting, by the German partner Institution - vhs Pforzheim-Enzkreis, with subsequent presentation of the training activities for adults in the training and implementation center of the Enforse project.
▪️ Europe for the coordinating body of the project illustrated the final situation of the project; and the final documentation for the didactic part of the project; and the final documentation for the financial reporting of the project.
▪️ Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji Partaner Polish, illustrated in detail the guideline projects made for Enforse.
▪️ Osmaniye İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, the Turkish partner documented and explained the evaluation of the Enforse project
▪️ Learnmera Oy presented the website in every part and highlighted that everything was complete
▪️ Apdi group partir explained the Collection Impact Plan, explained the documentation to be filled in, sent the form
▪️ EnForSe Corner receives visits from the seniors who take part in the online and face-to-face meetings who attended the meeting and shared their ideas and experiences.
▪️The partners then made an official visit to the partner institution, Institution - vhs Pforzheim-Enzkreis
▪️The next date for an online meeting to review all data received from the coordinator and prepare the final reports
▪️After the TPM assessment, the meeting concluded with the certification ceremony. "

The meeting started with the presentation of project realized activities and tasks by each partner and Europe For All did the cover of this part. Then Learnmera Oy presented website and facebook page of the project and a short discussion held among partners to improve them. EnForSe Corner is visited by the partners and seniors taking part at online meetings attended the meeting and shared their ideas and experiences. Later the partners did an official visit to partner institution,Osmaniye MEM, The next TPM date is fixed and actions to be taken are discussed. After the evaluation of the TPM the meeting finalized with certification ceremony.

The meeting began with a presentation of activities carried out in the project and tasks for each partner.
INBIE presented its activities: Newsletters, website, Facebook page Enforse_corner.
The participants of the coordination meeting also had the opportunity to meet with the participants of Enforse_corner and share their experiences together during the project implementation. different cultures and environments. The central figure remains the teacher Bricouleur, who can draw on a common heritage of innovative strategies and approaches to find the most appropriate activity for a group of students every time.

In Granada we started the meeting with a discussion about future meeting dates and what remained to be done regarding the finalization of the project website. A demonstration of how to teach English was also made by the partner from Finland through a practical tool such as flashcards.

It was also discussed and decided:
EnForSe Actions and output: the programme
Final decision regarding previously documented times for future meetings for both TPM and LLTA.
Flyers and dissemination, activities, group seniors, training activities.
Dates and topics for EnForSe corners
Guideline toolkit
A very appreciated visit to the Alhambra at night and a tour of the Meddine were organized by the partners in Spain. It was very interesting and special for all the partners to be able to make these visits and learn more about the culture of Granada.

The group of partners was able to start making up for lost time! With great enthusiasm we found ourselves in Milan for the first Training Course.

We worked for five days alternating theoretical lessons with active non-traditional learning practices. After a brief excursus on the foundations of the Montessori method, we reflected on innovative teaching in general and in particular on how some active and participatory dynamics are the key to success common to many innovative approaches for the study of foreign languages.

We practiced, teachers and students, having fun and overcoming the fear of making mistakes by trying activities and role-playing games using languages ​​as a bridge between different cultures and backgrounds. The central figure remains that of the Bricouleur teacher, who is able to draw on the common heritage of innovative strategies and approaches to find each time the most suitable activity for the group of students.

The meeting, a TPM meeting, took place in Milan. The project partners learned about the various ongoing issues related to the project, and practical demonstrations were also given on different ways of teaching a new language to adults. All partners demonstrated different ways of teaching a language and as a result, we were all able, in the end, to say at least a few words in languages totally different from our own.
At this meeting the partners also decided about the dates of future TPM’S and LLTA’S meetings.

A visit to the center of Milan was organized by the Italien partner’s, where we saw the most mythical monuments in the city, and we were all exceptionally welcomed to the city.


The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number KA2: 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079745